Sunday, January 15, 2012

3 water chestnut are versed in the president is denied again as will amalgamative as Toshiba

Beijing time on August 8 even the most popular t mobile prepaid cards ing news, 3 water chest free scooby costume nut are versed in president Hideaki Omiya expresses now again, heavy industry of 3 water chestnut did not stand with day launch amalgamative negotiation.

4 have a report to say last week, day stands the best selling scooby costume and heavy industry of 3 water chestnut is discussing amalgamative matters concerned. If two companies are successful amalgamative, will make the scale inside Japan the biggest amalgamative trade. " news of day classics economy " (The Nikkei Newspaper) the most popular memory card digital cameras still says, two companies plan to establish an amalgamative preparatory committee.

Dan Benzhou one Hideaki Omiya is versed in in 3 water chestnut Tokyo headquarters is accepted again " daily news " (when Mainichi Shimbun) is interviewed, say, 3 water chestnut are versed in again and day stands and did not establish the plan with the amalgamative preparatory committee, management integrated layer that is in charge of two companies. This is 3 water ches free t mobile prepaid cards tnut personage of heavy industry high level stands to day first and 3 water chestnut are versed in amalgamative matters concerned publishs public comment again. satin pjs

Hideaki Omiya admits, 3 water chestnut weigh labour and day to stand to had discussed to undertake integrated matters concerned in partial business domain really, be like gregarious infrastructure dom the most popular memory laptop toshiba ain, but these negotiations are merely about business conformity, is not the most popular selling t mobile prepaid cards conformity on management.

Hideaki Omiya says: "Because home market business glides continuously, want to extend an international market, we must want to abandon the strategy that singles fights alone. " Hideaki Omiya emphasizes, cooperative object includes all and potential company, not day of be confined to stands. Hideaki

Omiya says: "If be opposite bilateral all advantageo the best selling memory laptop toshiba us, we can establish collaboration with day not only, return meeting and foreign company cooperation. Return meeting and foreign company cooperation..

Say according to personage of know the inside story, in integrated respect 3 water chestnut weigh labour and day to establish existence difference, rilixi hopes to be able to managing the level undertake conformity in the future, and the conformity that heavy industry of 3 water chestnut hopes to be confined to business level to go up. (Li Ming)

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